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Trumpler 4 is a deep space station in the Phippe system, one of less than a handful of systems in the known sector that has remained free of central government control. 

On Trumpler 4, if you know where and how to look, you can find most anything. Those searching for contraband, if they have enough credits, can find it here.

The open-air marketplace on the main deck, a mile wide and teeming with concessions of every size and variety, is populated by a dozen different cultures, from a dozen different worlds.


The hanger facilities are some of the most advanced in the sector, where the affluent, upper class port expensive yachts and elite racing ships. The system itself is one of the most notorious racing circuits in the sector, where, every four weeks those same wealthy patrons come to watch and wager, injecting tens of millions of credits into the economy of this rogue station. 

Some of this bustling economy filters through to the planets of the system, Canippe, Husadiq and Hrefna, but their income pales in comparison to the amounts that exchange hands in the gambling parlors of Trumpler 4.

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