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2333 - The first Mandate exploration fleet enters the RD-A 2434 system of Sector A in Red space. The sector's first colony, Phorus is established on Elkinde, the single habitable planet of the system.


2335 - The first colony is established on O'Render by the Magnitude Infinite Corporation.

2343 - The first colony is established on Selos 2 by the Selos 2 Corporation, made up of wealthy business owners looking to establish their own private sanctuary. Zoria Ang is appointed Chief Planetary Botanist.

2344 - The first settlement is established on Gudrunn.

2347 - Zoria Ang is made Executive Vice President of the Selos 2 Corporation.

2350 - The first settlement is established on Hvelfiham.

2351 - Chelli Booker establishes the first settlement on Booker's Colony.

2360 - A small fleet of Drakite ships destroys the lone settlement on Elkinde. Within 3 days, a ragtag fleet of Mandate and private ships engages the Drakite fleet in O'Render space, managing to destroy a majority of them and repelling the rest. The victory comes at a cost, however, as all but 2 defending ships are destroyed with the survivors left virtually helpless.

Inthex of Verboo Prax publishes The Constraints of Forgiveness.

2363 - The first colony on Cornucopia is established.

2368 - 6 May, Inthex becomes the first Dow of the House of Mary on Verboo Prax. Estimates in the range of a trillion followers mark this event as the largest single gathering in the history of the human species. The sheer numbers of people arriving and then departing within a relatively short 48 hour window of time completely overwhelms the inhabitants of the Verboo system.

A new colony is established on Elkinde, called Zuphrine.

2396 - The colony of Phorus is reestablished by a group of House of Mary acolytes calling themselves The Focus of Light. Elkinde is renamed Jelq, in memory of Antoinette Lett Jelq, who was the first governor of Red Sector A from 2333 until her death in 2370.


2421 - The first colony on Thuces is established. 


2423 - The first colony on Arvees is established. 

2425 - The first colony on Midland is established. 

2426 - The first colony on Pera is established. 

July, Construction on the Focus of Light Cathedral is completed. Located in the heart of Phorus, Jelq's capital city, it is the first of its kind in the sector. A month later, on 6 June the cathedral is consecrated by the Dow Inthexia, granddaughter of the Dow Inthex. 

2478 - August, The Hampton's Call is destroyed by Selosian ships at O'Render in retaliation for the seizure of 6 Selosian freighters, igniting the first war for Selosian Independence.

2479 - February, the Selosian fleet is decimated, ending the Selosian War for Independence.

The first colony on Nomi IV is established.

2481 - By order of the Terran Mandate the Red Colony prison is established in the Apple-88 pulsar system.

2493 - The second Selosian War for Independence begins with Rin Ang the younger leading Selosian forces to a stunning victory at the Battle of Four Winds. The war ends in September with the occupation of Selos 2 by Mandate forces.

2495 - June 12-18, the Red Sector A Constitution is unanimously ratified at Jelq by the delegates of the 12 colonized systems of the sector, led by the House of Mary representative, the Drukpa Ista Kera.

2496 - 1 January, the first Chief Justice of the Court of Red Sector A, Pavella Shureaman gavels the first session of the Court to order.


2502 - The colony ship, Saisho No Koronī arrives in the Tris system after a nearly 300 year journey. The ship lands and its occupants awaken to begin terraforming Itako.


2503 - The first colony on Hur X is established.

2504 - By order of the Court, the Jelq Navy is renamed the Sector Navy and virtually all naval forces of the 14 systems of Red Sector A are reorganized under their command. O'Render, alone is allowed to maintain a small, defensive home guard naval fleet.

2505 - The slaver, Havor Fell is captured by local Perimeter Agents and turned over to the sector government. He is summarily convicted and sent to Red Colony to remain for the rest of his life.

2507 - The Marines and the Actionaires are organized as separate entities from the Sector Navy. A supreme commander for each service is appointed by the Court.

2510 - June, the occupation of Selos 2 ends. The Ford Mandate Outpost, later to become the White Hand Complex is established on Hur X.

2538 - March, the sector's first Psychic Academy is founded on Hvelfiham by order of the Terran Mandate.

October, Shem-vo Ornd, the "butcher" of Gudrunn's District A is captured and sent to Red Colony.

2590 - Selosian frigates and corvettes begin raiding ships and colonies in their immediate neighborhood, attracting the attention of the sector government.

2599 - The first 3 colonies are established on Kesturn by the Arclight Mining Concern

2665 - 28 March, the Scream tears through Red Sector A. 


12-18 August, The Battle of Phorus rages.


10 September, the bombardment and blockade of Selos 2 begins. 


2666 - 3 February, Onmyou Emille Cargara is elevated by the First Red Sector A Drukpa as the head of the House of Mary. She begins the tradition of adopting a ceremonial name as the Dow by taking the name Esum, after the Dow Esum the Just, direct descendant of Inthex of the formal House of Mary, who ruled from 2510 until her death in 2561.

2681 - The Dow Esum dies. Easter Rose, a member of the first Drukpa of 2666, whose heritage can be traced to just a few generations preceding the birth of Inthex of Verboo is elevated as the Dow and takes the name Leret, after the Dow Leret of the White Hand, of the formal House of Mary who ruled from 2599 until 2615.

2682 - The Sector Navy’s Recruit Training Facility begins operation.

2683 - The Marine’s Recruit Depot and the Actionaire’s Center for Initial Military Training both open their doors.

2699 - Dow Leret I dies.


2700 - Veleria Cargara, granddaughter of the Dow Esum I and a senior member of the leadership of the Gyalwang Drukpa is elevated as the Dow Esum II.


2708 - The Dow Esum II dies. Seris Velani, a member of the Gyalwang Drukpa is elevated as the leader of the House of Mary. She takes the name Native in symbolic representation of her generation, born after the Silence severed all ties to the rest of the galaxy.

2710 - The Eternal Light of Penance shrine on Rubieta is dedicated to the memory of the Dow Esum II.

2720 - The Psychic Academy reopens on Hvelfiham.

2747 - The Dow Native dies.

2748 - Canderra Al Ag, a member of the Gyalwang Drukpa, great granddaughter of Dow Leret I is elevated as leader of the House of Mary. She takes her name from Lamenta Shur-Vagn, one of the now mythical warriors who fought to eradicate the Drakite scourge that destroyed the Phorus settlement on Elkinde in 2360.

2750 - The Kypri colony is established.

2792 - The first colony on Hrefna is established.


2809 - The Dow Lament I dies.


2810 - Leah Al Ag, daughter of the Dow Lament I is elevated as the Dow Lament II.

2820 - The Dow Lament II dies.

2821 - Vet Al Ag, daughter of the Dow Lament II is elevated as the Dow Lament III.

2845 - The Dow Lament III dies.

2846 - Lorraine Al Ag, daughter of The Dow Lament III is elevated as the Dow Lament IV.

2850 - The Dow Lament IV is assassinated (by many accounts, a member of her own family was the assassin. Some believed her sister poisoned her, while others believed it was her cousin Fejin Ag). Her sister, Brident Al Ag is elevated as the Dow Lament V.

2881 - The Dow Lament V retires, abdicating her position as head of the House of Mary. Seris Ag, granddaughter of Fejin Ag, an Onmyou of the Dow Lament V is elevated as the Dow Leret II.

1 April, a strike against the Steely Company begins with a worker's walkout against the Sunbeam Shipyards at O'Render. 

2882 - 16 April, the O'Render Navy ends the walkout against the Steely Company by destroying an orbital work platform occupied by over three thousand striking workers. Organized strikes across all of O'Render begin on 1 May. Tensions escalate as several thousand protesters and striking workers are killed by O'Render government forces over a 6 month period. Finally, on 26 October, municipal offices, police and fire brigades as well as public transportation and communications facilities at the capitol city of Vetalmo are seized by a group of union organizers backed by an estimated fifteen to twenty million striking workers from across the globe. The First Congress of Corporations and Labor is held in December, resulting in the Corporate Rules and Responsibilities Act of 2882.

2888 - The Seven Group holds its first Committee Meeting on O'Render.

2893 - Aryn de Arc is captured and held at Gudrunn.

2898 - Aryn de Arc is found guilty and sentenced to life at Red Colony.

2899 - Hvelfiham Unified Training Academy begins operation.


2908 - Midland and Cornucopia sign a pact instantly becoming the largest source of food and botanicals in the sector. 


2913 - The Dow Leret II dies.

2914 - Prent Ag-Voll, great-granddaughter of the Dow Lament IV and junior member of the Gyalwang Drukpa is elevated as the Dow Lament VI.

2915 - September, The Universal Seminary of Eternal Penance is opened at Inthexia on Midland.

2916 - 6 June, construction is completed on The Shining Light Cathedral at the Universal Seminary of Eternal Penance. 18 June, the Dow Lament VI (who would become the longest serving Dow at 85 years) consecrates the cathedral, dedicating it to the memory of her great-grandmother, the Dow Lament IV.

2960 - Donderon the elder is born 15 March.

2965 - After an orbital battle above Midland, between the forces of Booker's Colony and the Midland-Cornucopia power bloc, Booker's Colony joins the bloc.

Lerik Rall, father of Donderon Gollum the younger is born on 2 February.

2980 - Nomi IV joins the power bloc, forming the Four Worlds.

2984 - Latace Al-Amb, the oldest human being known to history dies at the age of 332 years, 6 months and 5 days. She was born on a minor world in Orange space and immigrated with her family to Red Sector A at the age of 10, just 4 years before the Silence.

2989 - Donderon Gollum the younger is born on Jelq on 18 November.

2999 - After 85 years as the head of the House of Mary, overseeing the largest expansion and growth in Church history, the Dow Lament VI dies without ever having designated an heir.

Therrai Voll, a distant cousin of the Dow Lament VI, 4 times great-granddaughter of Fejin Ag, great-great-grandaughter of the Dow Lerit II and a senior member of the Gyalwang Drukpa is elevated as the Dow Lament VII after a full month of deliberation.


3005 - Lerik Rall, brother of the Dow Lament VII, husband of Donderon Gollum the elder and father of Donderon Gollum the younger is elevated to the position of Doyen General of the Lower West Sector Protectorate. This move makes him the highest ranking male House Guard member to date.


3013 - A faction of the government of Manamer takes over in a bloody coup. A House Guard battle ship, the Narrow Path is hijacked and turned against the loyalists in the Unnhild system. To counter this, the Doyen General Lerik Rall leads a battalion of House Guard black ops to retake the Narrow Path. Over the next three weeks, the House Guard in conjunction with the loyalists of the Manamer government put down the rebellion.

Lerik Rall is killed in action at Manamer during the Unnhild Uprising.

3020 - Donderon Gollum the elder is elevated to the position of Onmyou to the Dow Lament VII and serves until the Dow's death nine years hence.

3029 - The Dow Lament VII dies. 

3030 - With no children of her own, no close relatives surviving, and having left no direction on her preference as heir, the choice of the Dow Lament VII's successor as the next head of the House of Mary is hashed out along political lines. Finally, after almost 2 months of infighting and deliberations, Seris Antevi, a senior Onmyou of the Dow Lament VII is elevated as the Dow Leret III.

3036 - The sector government enacts a 75% tax on all goods exported from the Four Worlds, also forbidding travel into any of the four systems without a special, high priced and difficult to obtain licence (while simultaneously allowing the Universal Seminary of Eternal Penance to continue operation unabated). Before the end of the year the economies of the four worlds collapse.

3058 - The Dow Leret III dies. Aktega Rall, a high ranked member of the Gyalwang Drukpa is quickly and easily chosen as the Dow Leret IV.

3076 - Errisan Gollum is born on Jelq on 23 February.

3088 - Falleen Ur is born on Gudrunn on 11 August.

3090 - The Dow Leret IV dies.

3091 - Shara Anto, the Dow Leret IV's only Onmyou is chosen as the Dow Lament VIII, after a week of deliberation.


3101 - Errisan Gollum graduates from The Light Seminary College in May and by December is appointed as the North Sector Protectorate Universal Chaplain.


3104 - Akron Eight is made the Supreme Chancellor of the Pavirup Jyotsna Union Directorate.


Led Feron, Premier of the O’Render Welt Sozialistisch Einheitlich government prompts a rewrite of the 70 year old legislation choking the Four Worlds. This puts O'Render at the head of the power bloc, requiring all trade to be funneled through their system, making the combined power of the new bloc the single largest political and economic entity in the sector.

3107 - The Pavirup Jyotsna Union Directorate attacks the Sector Navy beginning the blockade of Thuces and the war of rebellion.

3109 - 21 September, the Pavyrup Jyotsna Peace Pact is signed.

3110 - January, the Battle of Thuces ends the Pavyrup Jyotsna Rebellion. Thuces is virtually destroyed when House of Mary agents release the herbicide Lick-Sting in March.

3111 - 1  October, Falleen Ur completes her forcible takeover of the Seven Group, beginning an unprecedented period of stability and growth in the organized crime syndicate.

3113 - Imon T'Lora is born on 8 March on Cornucopia.

3118 - The Dow Lament VIII dies. Leah Pratt, the House of Mary Militant (commander of military forces) who led Church forces in the victory over the rebels of Thuces is elected by the first ever unanimous consent of the Panchen as the Dow Oremian.

3122 - 31 July, Donderon Gollum, Leah Pratt's Second as Militant, and grandmother of Errisan Gollum is elevated to Onmyou to the Dow Oremian.

3131 - 34 members of the Galywang Drukpa, including 6 senior members are summarily dismissed and excommunicated by the Onmyou after evidence of misconduct and sedition is brought by Errisan Gollum, the Onmyou Inspector General.

3132 - Errisan Gollum is elevated to the Galywang Drukpa.

3134 - Utopia Corp. sends its first large scale expedition to Kypri.

3144 - Errisan Gollum is elevated to the position of Dow and takes the name Saffer after Doyen General Saffer Eretu, the hero of the Battle of Phorus. She immediately dismisses the Dow Oremian's remaining Onmyou (her grandmother, now aged 155 retires just after her elevation is announced) and leaves the positions vacant for some time to come. She also orders an immediate resumption of the Selosian blockade.

3148 - Laton Grigg is born on 1 April on O'Render.

3150 - January 12, The Dow Saffer elevates the first member of her Onmyou, Elim Ur, a member of the Red Sector A Lower Court and a proponent of House Guard expansion. The appointment comes a shock to most and causes a bit of a stir among some members of the Gyalwang Drukpa. With her sister, Falleen Ur being the well known Chair of the Seven Group crime syndicate many in the House leadership call into question the decision. The commotion soon quiets down as on 8 March, four ranking members of the Gyalwang Drukpa are arrested and excommunicated for sedition.

3154 - The final large scale Utopia Corp. expedition to Kypri wraps up.

3160 - 15 May, Imon T'Lora is appointed as Pirani General of the O'Render system.

3163 - 1 August, Seventy Shish Arry, Doyen General of the House Guard Northern Protectorate is elevated to the Dow Saffer's Onmyou. 8 August, the House Guard Militant (forces commander), Weld Derrupton is unseated and Shish Arry takes direct control of the House Guard.

3177 - The Selosian Insurrection begins.

3184 - Ceyrs Middown opens his first Babylon Restaurant on Trumpler 4.

3187 - 8 May, Laton Grigg is appointed Commandant of the Unified Training Academy.

22 August, Armo Ang, direct descendant of Zoria Ang is made Commanding General of the Selosian Armed Forces.

2 September, the Selosian Insurrection ends.

3190 - 2 November, asteroid GGC-1224 strikes Rubieta, instantly killing millions, with tens of millions more dying over the next few weeks. The remaining several hundred thousand survivors were evacuated to Actaia.

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