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The Actionaires, also called the Mobile Infantry are the Red Sector A government's amplifying fist of power. They are sent in when the precision of the elite strike force Marines aren't the right choice to get the job done. Dropping out of low orbit on Grav-Net technology, hitting their targets with overwhelming numbers, the Actionaires remain, representing the Sector government as occupier, whenever and for however long needed.


The current force power of the Actionaires is about 1,155,000. Nearly 400,000 of those are members of the officer corps. Currently, the largest deployed force is the 2nd Field Infantry, occupying Station Campbell 7 on Atsegun Estioli, the moon of Pritus Supalus in the Selos system. This deployment consists of the 385th Mobile Infantry Headquarters Battalion, the Serrated Edge Air Drop Combat Corps, the Wing Tip Air Drop Combat Corps, and Alpha-Zed 5 Field Infantry Support Command.

Other current deployments include Kesturn, in the Hani system, Epistus, in the Asleif system, Ameena, in the Roshi Ilina system and the Belyov 2 research station in orbit around the black hole NGI 2121 B.

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