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The Red Sector A Naval Service is a direct descendant of the Mandate Fleet, which was first sent to explore and ultimately began the settlement of Red Sector A. As of 3199, with total personnel of about 6.5 million, the Sector Navy is larger than the other two government military service branches combined by a factor of five.

Five Naval Regional Commands, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest and Central comprise the totality of Sector government territory. Each of these Regional Commands maintains a presence within each of the governed systems, and often act as a policing agency for the smaller, less capable systems.

There are a few systems that, for whatever reason remain independent of Sector government control. These systems do, however, from time to time come under the watchful eye of the Navy. None are capable of repelling even a few of the well armed ships of the naval fleet and none have attempted to do so for centuries.

There has been the rare Sector government controlled system that found themselves facing the business end of a battle cruiser or two when delusions of rebellion manifest as outright revolt. Over the last half a millennia, no less than a dozen or so systems have tried and failed to separate themselves, in one way or another from Red Sector A control.

The most infamous of these systems is Selos and the natives of planet Selos 2. Since before the Silence loomed over the galaxy, the inhabitants of Selos 2 have had a defiant streak in them a light year wide. For most of that time sector naval fleets have almost continuously pounded them back into the stone age. For the last few decades, the unruly Selosians have been the problem of the House Guard. Most recently, the Southeast Regional Command sent a Task Force on detached duty to aid the House Guard in tightening their blockade, at their own request.

The Sector navy maintains a massive fleet, spread across the entire sector. There are between 300 and 400 capital ships currently in service. Battle cruisers and carriers make up the bulk of this number, along with battle ships, long rang heavy weapons platforms, fortresses and planet busters. With almost 15,000 support ships, the Sector Navy is always in need of new recruits as well as officers and often invokes the Sector government's centuries old Primum Ministerium policy, which simply put allows compulsory recruitment without warning whenever the government sees fit. For well over a hundred years, this policy has been used by the Navy on a semi-regular basis across the sector to bolster its ranks.

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