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The Red Sector A Marine Corps, the elite special forces of the sector government is the focused tip of the dagger, called in when surgical precision is the only path to victory. Whether an orbital boarding strike force, a terrestrial infiltration rescue team, or a mech team tasked with taking out a grav-tank formation, the Marines are ready willing and supremely able to do the work and get the job done.


With about 143,000 personnel, the Marine Corps is by far the smallest branch of the Sector military. There are 11 divisions, all located at the Blackout Harbor Marine Corps Headquarters Station on Hvelfiham. To deploy, divisions are assigned to Sector Navy capitol ships for transport to and from their area of operation. 

To be a Marine is a special calling. Unlike the Navy, Marine recruiting policy is heavily restrictive. Recruits must pass an extensive physical, a generational and personal background check and a 3 day long written exam. Once these hurdles are cleared, specialized training begins. For the next six months trainees are pushed to their limits and beyond. By the end, each new Marine is a force to be reckoned with, a force of unnatural superiority.

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