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Multi-Stellar Corporations of Red Sector A

Business and corporate concerns are the ever flowing lifeblood of Red Sector A. They supply everything, up to and including arms and armaments, ships and space stations, and everything else the sector government and Mother Church need to maintain control. Food, narcotics, computer components, software, specialized VI and AI, every item required for daily living and those things considered luxuries are manufactured, sold and transported by some company or other, from the smallest mom and pop corner convenience store to massive warehouse retailers and everything in between. 

Since the days of the original colonies, business has had a place in the sector. The first major corporation to have a presence in the sector was TerraTide, a logistics and distribution conglomerate with origins that stretched back to before Dr. Tiberius Crohn cracked the mysterious code of meta-dimensional space over a thousand years ago. They set up a distribution depot on Jelq in 2340, a mere 6 years after the first ships began exploring the sector. For the next 200 plus years they supplied every sort of thing the colonists of Jelq and beyond required.


When the supply line back to Earth was severed in 2665, TerraTide's distribution networks across the sector collapsed or were taken over by a few opportunistic businesses. A one of a kind product stored within their warehouses on O'Render, however, would ensure their survival. 

Valerian Orange, the TerraTide Red Sector A Regional Office Operations Manager left Jelq and went to O'Render to take possession of the company warehouse located there and declared himself owner and proprietor of OrangeTide Solutions. With a sales force desperate to survive selling ten million dataslabs for a premium, OrangeTide cornered the market on personal computers. Employing about 150 former TerraTide technicians and salespersons, Valerian Orange maintained a monopoly on the dataslab market for well over a decade, firmly ensconcing OrangeTide Solutions as the sector's personal technology leader for the next five hundred years.

The Sunbeam Corporation, a relatively minor player in the mix of pre-Scream economics, employing tens of thousands of O’Render natives, moved quickly to take over the abandoned facilities, offices and work forces left idle by a score of Silence ruined companies. It transformed itself, almost overnight into a conglomeration of manufacturing and logistics businesses spanning the sector. Sunbeam Manufacturing and Logistics became the first truly interstellar corporation less than 20 years after the Scream.

Other businesses soon followed Sunbeam’s lead, merging with like-minded companies, consolidating and shedding redundancies, growing into multi-stellar corporations and conglomerates, steering entire industries with little regard for anything beyond the next profit statement and less interest in the welfare of their workers.

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Utopia Corporation

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Prime Products, the sector's largest manufacturer produces everyday items for bed, bath, home and beyond. Furniture and appliances, ground transport vehicles of every sort, common and luxury habitats and most anything else anyone might need or want can be found with the Prime logo on it. Formed from the merger of Sector Products and Prime Manufacturers in 3156, they have a presence in every distribution company across the sector and are the go to manufacturer for most of the proletariat of Red Sector A.


Utopia Corporation, founded by the House of Mary during the first century of the Silence manufactures weapons and munitions, computer cores and ships and every sort of technological device the Church and sector military relies on along with so much more. The Church, now a minority shareholder none-the-less holds sway on the direction of the company, using its connections to grant access to technology and information from which other companies are barred. Its greatest asset, the Utopia Expedition to Kypri 50 years ago, continues to yield a seemingly unending supply of reverse engineered technology that's positioned Utopia atop the techno power player mountain for the last four decades. 

Triumph, headquartered on Jelq, designs and assembles ships to the specific requirements of the super wealthy of Red Sector A. From their founding in 2880 by Lecht Selowicz, Triumph has built only the most luxurious, fastest, most dangerous of ships for the most elite, highest born and wealthiest clientele, as well as the upper tier of the House leadership. Triumph maintains specialized shipyards in orbit above Edearusee in the O'Render system, Gudrunn in the Polymen system and  Hvelfiham's United Academy as well as R&D facilities at Hur X in the Teris system, Arvees in the Pavirup Jyotsna system and Jelq, the sector capitol. These facilities make Triumph the wealthiest of the luxury starship manufacturers with the widest reach of any ship builder in the sector.


Stellarc Media

In the 33rd century, the popular culture of Red Sector A is dominated by serial vid-streams like The Spectacular Show for Everyone!, Wichita Songbook and Viceroy and pop stars Erin Anteye, Reputation Won and Lucadian LC, along with thousands more. These entertainment outlets draw hundreds of millions of viewers and fans and generate billions of credits in revenue for their owners.

Smart Show, the newest of the big three media corporations came about from a 3199 merger of Smart Entertainment and Every Show Now, a peer-to-peer streaming service outlawed in most systems between 3195 and 3197. Joining together their content and distribution outlets made the two previously minor companies into the third largest entertainment source in the sector.

Joyking, the leader in ticket sales and promotions brings live shows of every sort to the masses across the sector. Since the early days of the Silence, Joyking has controlled the way people see pop stars, plays and limited engagement live entertainment on most every planet in the sector. Their promoters dictate the type and length of performances, the quantity and quality of lineups, the cost of tickets, who are to be stars in the business and even those stars who would eventually become icons.

Stellarc Media has been, for the last 45 years the largest producer of streaming content in the sector. Their shows dominate the top viewed streams and their stars are the biggest celebrities across the systems of Red Sector A. 

Stellarc Media produced the top 5 vids of 3199:

  1. Start Dead

  2. She's Fixing Fighting

  3. Cone and Love (Have 4 Things in Common)

  4. Captain Instant

  5. Lessons in Watching

Stellarc Media produced 7 of the top 10 serial vid-streams of 3199

  1. The Spectacular Show for Everyone!

  2. Trudeau

  3. For the Win

  4. Wichita Songbook

  5. Dastur Mularra, Home Guard - independent

  6. It's the Real - Lerrent Studios

  7. Buzz

  8. Pure Blood

  9. Loosers Never Win

  10. Enemies at the Gate - Herbert Smit Productions

The economy of Red Sector A is a robust, multi-dimensional entity holding the entirety of the sector together as one. From the primary financial markets of O'Render and Gudrunn, to the leading mining and construction concerns of Kestern and the Valfdis system, from the major natural food and narco-industrial suppliers of Midland and Cornucopia, to the mega-complexes of both manned and autonomous manufacturing facilities located on Arvees, Peydalv, and Hur X, all encompassed by the logistical and distribution networks connecting them to one another, the sector economy generates the enormous wealth necessary to maintain the social strata permeating the culture. 

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