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Player Gangway

Player Gangway

Greetings and welcome to the player character orientation gangway. Here, you'll find various helpful links for building your PC. Whether you choose to be a freewheeling buccaneer, an independent trader, a member of the Sector Navy, or whatever else suits your fancy, you can start here.

For those seeking information on developing your level one character sheet, we have a character creation summary with details on backgrounds, skills, classes and foci straight out of the Stars Without Number - Revised free edition, and a basic Guide to Goals for Red Sector A citizens. 

If a career in the Sector Navy seems like the way for you, come to the Sector Military Entrance Processing Station. Very soon, you'll receive your clearance to board the shuttle to the Hvelfiham Sector Navy Recruit Intake Center. Below you'll find links to the initial orientation, describing what will happen when you join the illustrious ranks of the Sector Navy, including what you can expect during and after basic training, details on where you will be stationed and information about possible Naval career paths as well as detailed listings of available equipment.

hvelfiham unified training academy
sector navy
PC Orientation
General Issue Supply Catalog
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