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the sector map

the history of space

"The default setting of Stars Without Number is a far future age in which the sprawling, glorious domain of human space has been reduced to a scattering of squabbling powers and long-lost worlds. The ancient domain of humanity has shrunken with the collapse of the psi-powered Jump Gates that once stitched the remote regions of the frontier into the teeming worlds of the human core.

Now, almost six hundred years after the catastrophe that ended the Golden Age of Man, new hope rises from the wreckage of a fallen empire."

From the History of Space taken from the

Stars Without Number Revised Edition 

by Kevin Crawford


The free version of

Stars Without Number: Revised

is available for download by clicking here:

Sector Orientation

The first human explorers came into Sector A of the area of space called Red in the year 2333. The first system explored, RD-A 2434, is a yellow dwarf, main sequence star, identical to Sol of the Earth system. The only planet in the system, a terran type, of .98 times the mass of Earth is called Jelq, named for the first governor of Red Sector A, Antoinette Lett Jelq. Incidentally, Governor Jelq never visited the planet, preferring instead to rule from a system deep within the core.

The government of Red Sector A is an authoritarian power, controlled by an elite entity called the Court. It plays at being a constitutional theocracy with citizen’s rights and responsibilities spelled out in the founding document over 600 years ago, and while, according to the constitution the Court is the only avenue to enact or strike down sector law, it is in reality a puppet of the House of Mary Church. With complete control of the makeup of the Court and the power to remove even the Chief Justice at a whim, the Church exerts its will as it pleases.


The seat of government, the Court and all the Justices as well as Church leadership are located on Jelq. A world of immense natural wealth, Jelq held the first Red Sector A colony and immediately became the prime representative of their Terran Mandate overseers. Home to an immensely large fleet imported from the core worlds, Jelq exercised total control of the colonies as settlements spread out across the vast star field. Even after the Scream, Jelq's hold over the sector remained virtually undiminished. Abundant natural resources and a large technical and scientific base enabled Jelq and its elite population to maintain its ships, replacing them as needed and to fight off any threat to their hold on power.

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