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System: Hvelfiham

Atmosphere: Breathable mix

Temperature: Variable temperate-to-warm

Biosphere: No native biosphere

Population: Less than one mllion

Tech Level: TL4+


A world of academies, training facilities, parade grounds and war games battlefields, Hvelfiham has stood at the center of secular military training in Red Sector A for close to five centuries.

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At the time of its colonization in 2350, the lifeless rock offered little beyond a weapon’s training and proving grounds for almost 200 years. In 2538, the Terran Mandate established the first psychic training academy in the sector at Hvelfiham. Staffed by a dozen master psychics, The Mandate Academy for Psionic Excellence trained and graduated thousands of skilled psychics, many of whom found purpose serving the Mandate controlled government installed at the neighboring system of Jelq. ​

When the Silence fell across the galaxy, the academy at Hvelfiham went dark. Psychics across the sector, as across the galaxy, were instantly snuffed out, or simply went mad and lost any control of their gifts. Psionic powered manufacturing ceased and contact with the Mandate government was lost.

Though the academy remained empty, the powers that be on Hvelfiham began to develop a new purpose by taking a page from their original purpose. Working with the sector government, Hvelfiham became host to a new centralized training facility, which would become the source of generations of soldiers, a move that would ultimately keep Jelq at the top of the order of things through the ensuing centuries.

Previously, the government left the training of raw military recruits to contractors, a system originally set up by the Mandate military structure of the pre-Scream era. In the Silence era, the remaining handful of contractors’ training camps and drill grounds scattered across the sector operated with little real government oversight or control.

In 2682, less than 20 years after the Scream, the Sector Navy’s Recruit Training Facility began operation. The following year, The Marine’s Recruit Depot and the Actionaire’s Center for Initial Military Training both opened their doors. Those contractors that were active at the time had their personnel and property absorbed into these new facilities and the remaining camps and drill grounds were closed or re-purposed.

​Vacant for over fifty years, the Psychic Academy reopened in 2720 and remained, for the next 300 years the only place MES sufferers could find training and relief from the death sentence of using the powers their affliction granted them. ​

In 2899 all the various units on Hvelfiham, which had expanded to include induction and training facilities for the entirety of non-ordained military and government personnel were brought under a single command called the Hvelfiham Unified Training Academy. H.U.T.A. yearly graduation rates are upwards of twenty thousand during times of relative peace and many times more than that in times of war. These graduates fill positions from the humble infantry foot soldier to officers and ship’s captains, bureaucrats and customs and law enforcement agents, lawyers and diplomats and any other role required by the government across the entirety of the sector.

Commandant, Major General Laton Grigg has commanded H.U.T.A. for just over a decade, leading a major restructuring of the curriculum, which has begun to bring overall grades and graduation rates to a new high.

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