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Major General Laton Grigg

Laton Grigg, son of Emerald Grigg and Jer Feron, Chief Justice of the O’Render Welt Sozialistisch Einheitlich government was born in 3148. He was raised by an army of nannies, maids and teachers and sent to boarding school on Hvelfiham at the age of 8. At 15, Laton entered the Unified Training Academy and graduated in 3170 with a doctorate in the Jurisdiction of Influence. Returning to O’Render, he was appointed by his father as the Admiral Executor, a position in control of the planetary navy as well as the numerous shipyards throughout the system.

The O’Render Navy was called into action at Selos 2 during the Insurrection of 3177. For the next 6 years Admiral Laton, leading the largest wing of the O’Render Navy, the Bolzenkraft, reinforcing the Church blockade fought hundreds of battles in the Selos 2 region, in orbit as well as within the atmosphere. By 3184, the Selosian forces were withered so much they could no longer fight to defend themselves. Selos 2 was once again under the thumb of the Sector Government.

In 3187, the Sector Military Charge, Deemond Broussard, in recognition of service to the government offered and Laton Grigg accepted the position of Commandant of the Unified Training Academy on Hvelfiham. This appointment brought him into the Sector Military with the rank of Major General.

Since his appointment, General Grigg has fundamentally restructured the entire planetary academy system, bringing new management theory and bold, demanding training techniques to bear. From his first year as Commandant, graduation rates as well as grade point averages have increased. Fresh graduates are also performing at a higher level sooner than previous graduating classes.

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