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The Babylon Company & Ceyrs Middown

Ceyrs Middown, sole owner of the Babylon Company was born in 3146 on Gudrunn. He ran afoul of local law enforcement in his early teens and eventually fell into the company of several future movers and shakers of the Seven Group.

By 3171 he was itching to call his own shots and made the move to open a nightclub. He called it Babylon. Being no stranger to the darker side of business, he readily accepted loan offers from a handful of his Seven Group friends; loans with strings attached. As his business took off, he managed to pay off the loans in short order. He was perfectly willing, however, to maintain his ties to the Seven Group. By fulfilling certain contracts and keeping on the good side of the Seven Group leadership on Gudrunn, Ceyrs was able to keep control of the nightclub.

In 3184, Ceyrs took his club up a level by opening a first-class restaurant. He went back to his friends, proposing they foot the bill while leaving him in complete control. This would give them a legitimate business to front whatever they had up their sleeves as well as allowing them to launder soiled credits in large quantities. This deal was quite agreeable for the leadership on Gudrunn but Ceyrs had his sights beyond the system. He was looking to Trumpler 4, an up and coming hot zone known for system racing, among other things, activities made scarce with the elevation of The Dow Saffer.

Once transplanted to Trumpler 4, Ceyrs was quickly able to expand his business across a dozen systems, making Babylon the next big thing among the restaurateur set. By 3195, Babylon was the most well known and the largest of the top-flight restaurants. Ceyrs Middown had become one of the best connected business owners in the sector.

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