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Falleen Ur

Falleen Ur was born into abject poverty among a multitude populating the numerous slum districts of Gudrunn. Born August 11, 3088, she was the youngest of 13 children. Her mother, Thon Ag Ur, a native of Jelq had been excommunicated almost two decades previously.

Thon served as an Associate Attorney Universal under Chief Attorney Universal Aktega Rall. In 3040, she was elevated to membership in the Gyalwang Drukpa, sponsored by Aktega, who had since been chosen by The Dow Leret III to serve as a member of her Onmyou. During her time as an elite, Thon participated in and sponsored the enacting of several rules and policies granting further rights and freedoms of business and leisure to the citizens of Red Sector A.

In 3058, Aktega Rall was elevated as the Dow Leret IV. She immediately set about rolling back what she labeled as “permissive policy,” ostensibly to clamp down on crime, though primarily to strengthen the Church’s hold on power. Thon became a vocal critic of the new executive policy, condemning it as unnecessarily encumbering and overly punitive. For several years her rhetoric elevated in tone as she voiced doubts and concerns in public forum until in February 3066, she was arrested on suspicion of sedition. She was held under guard in her own home in the Jelq capitol for three years after which she was summarily excommunicated. She, her husband and her 6 children were banished and sent to Gudrunn to fend for themselves.

Between that time and Falleen’s birth, Thon held out hope of a return to the grace of the Church. She regularly petitioned the local authority for an audience with the Polymen Hakham, a Saltique named Eru Paxt. Nothing ever came of it, but she never lost hope.

When Falleen was born, Thon was 68 years old and though science had kept her youthful and healthy, the years of horrific living conditions on Gudrunn were taking their toll. Thon died when Fallen was 6 years old. Her father, approaching 90 years of age could do little to aide in her upbringing. 4 of her sisters, Sonond, Elim, Ja and Rindoe raised her, teaching her the things she’d need to know to survive in the squalid environs of the slum sectors.  

Falleen was an unusually bright child, with a penchant for mimicry and a cruel streak that often got her into trouble. By her early teen years, she was running with a small time criminal gang terrorizing locals and generally doing nothing more than holding up the occasional liquor store. Falleen wanted more, though and began leading a few of the more daring members to steal high end vehicles from the business district.

During one such job, the quartet were intercepted by a gang of 7 Group thugs bent on ending them. Though outnumbered two to one, Falleen and her closet friend, Chinany managed to survive and escape. It wasn’t but a few hours later, however that more 7 Group members were coming for them and rather than put her family and remaining friends in danger, she gave herself up as the sole survivor and mastermind of the theft ring. The leader of the district 7 Group Sliver expressed some surprise that this “little girl” could have caused such trouble and ordered her to join and produce for him or die. She chose life and over the next few years proved her worth, over and above any of her fellow members more times than anyone could have expected.

With her supreme intelligence and nonstop drive, Falleen managed to work her way into and up the ranks, attaining the head place of the local Sliver in a matter of 8 years. She was making a name for herself, and her reputation garnered her some well-placed and dangerous enemies within the upper echelons of the 7 Group Sliver on Gudrunn. In 3111, when she was 23 years old, Falleen planned and carried out the murder of the leader of the Gudrunn Sliver. This put her in a position to take her place. The resultant infighting, at times both heated and brutal came to the attention of the Chair of 7 Group Committee. She eventually agreed to visit the Gudrunn Sliver to settle the dispute herself.

After much consideration and consultation with the four viable candidates separately and combined, the 7 Group Committee Chair chose one of Falleen’s rivals to lead the Gudrunn Sliver. She did not take this loss well at all and immediately called in her followers and set about killing the entire lot. Having murdered the head of the 7 Group with her own hands, Falleen declared herself the new Committee Chair and took action to hold power by destroying all who opposed her on Gudrunn and then heading for O’Render to take control of the 7 Group headquarters by force.

This was the first time in the history of the 7 Group that the top leadership role would be taken by a show of force. Of the seven Committee Sliver Bosses, three raised objections. The other four Sliver Bosses approved of her tactics, for whatever their own reasons and were eager to finally have a strong, charismatic leader, willing to get things done. With their backing and her own show of force at O'Render, the three holdout members acquiesced and the Chair was Falleen's.

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