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System: Polymen

Atmosphere: Breathable Mix

Temperature: Warm

Biosphere: Human-miscible

Population: Several billion

Tech Level: TL4

Gudrunn Flag.png

Description: A world of few laws, Gudrunn is a trading and monetary powerhouse. The Utopia Corporation, a ubiquitous conglomerate is based here. Utopia has a piece of nearly every sort of commodities, logistics, manufacturing, sales and service and even entertainment business, across the entire sector. A holding company for literally hundreds of different businesses, Utopia's largest stake holder is The House of Mary Church.


The Church operates several charitable organizations for the benefit of the downtrodden natives of Gudrunn, ostensibly distributing food and medicine in an optically pleasing effort to stabilize the floundering populous. 

The reality of the situation on Gudrunn is far from charitable. A large portion of the native born inhabitants are separated from the wealthy and powerful who control the world, forced to remain in the dank, dark recesses of the three largest cities on the surface. 

Port Poly is the largest of these three cities. It acts as the major hub of space travel to and from the surface. The central district of Port Poly, called District A is comprised of towering spires of glittering steel-glass and composites. Most inhabitants travel about the city in air taxis and flying buses, never setting foot on the shadowy surface below.

The Utopia main headquarters is a massive complex of buildings and domes, smack dab in the center of District A. Along with the offices, warehouses and servers housed in the complex is a centuries old museum called The Utopia Corporation Presents the Museum of Modern and Historical Technology and Art and Exhibition of Sector History. The museum's stated purpose is the history of mankind in space, specifically Red Sector A, with a focus on the Utopia Corporation and its own scientific breakthroughs. Most of the publicly revealed technological, biological and artistic discoveries stemming from Utopia Corp's Kypri Expedition during the 3130s and 40s is kept here and some of the more visually impressive discoveries are also on display.

The Polymen system is strategically located to act as the crossroads of sector travel. Shipping between distant systems routinely stops off at Gudrunn. Due to the volume of traffic constantly flowing in and out of the area in all directions, pirates are a problem along the rim of the system. Though the Sector Navy maintains a presence at Gudrunn, they are hard pressed to police the entire rim of the system. 

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