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The Pavirup Jyotsna System

A system of lavishly abundant resources, the Pavirup Jyotsna system was named for the commander of the expeditionary fleet first sent to explore the multi system northeastern region of Red Sector A in the 2360s. The first colonies in the system were established on its three inhabitable planets starting in the 2420s. Thuces, Arvees and Pera combined were a significant player in the further development of the sector as they provided copious amounts of resources and personnel towards the growth and expansion of the Mandate controlled government of Red Sector A.

After the Scream, the government of Thuces moved to consolidate system power on its own world. A relatively minor naval engagement and then the explicit backing of the sector government forced Arvees and Pera to capitulate, setting up the Pavirup Jyotsna system as a centralized government based on Thuces.

Peaceful centuries passed for the Pavirup Jyotsna system until 3104, when Akron Eight was made the Supreme Chancellor of the Pavirup Jyotsna Union Directorate. Akron immediately ordered a massive buildup of military power in the system, focused on the production of ten thousand capital ships.

The Dow Lament VIII, fearing the potential loss of resources preferred to negotiate and provide incentive for a cessation of Chancellor Eight’s aggressive stance. For all appearances, this did seemed to work, to a limited extent for a couple of years, as the buildup came to a halt. Early in 3107, however, an inspection team reported on a previously unknown shipyard deep in Pavirup Jyotsna system space. Soon after this report, the team vanished and for several months, the system government professed ignorance.

In July 3107, the Akron Eight led Union Directorate ordered a massive strike on the System Fleet, part of the Navy's Northwestern Regional Command Fleet. The strike came at the rim of the system where the bulk of the fleet was stationed, policing the highly traveled Polymen entry point. This action forced the Dow Lament’s hand resulting in a blockade of Thuces. War ensued.

Akron Eight was an obstinate, ego-centric ruler, who over the previous few years managed to convince his people of the righteousness of his aggressive actions. When the blockade of Thuces commenced, the civilian population fiercely united against what they perceived as unprovoked, violent suppression. The war was brutal, on both sides. The Church Guard, in conjunction with the Sector Navy pushed more and more warships into the system, focusing on Thuces but decisively acting to prevent Arvees and Pera from taking up arms against them.

While Pera did nothing to overtly provoke the sector government, their less wealthy world none-the-less was forced to surrender and was immediately occupied. With that action, Pera’s resources, which had been virtually hijacked by Thuces over the past few decades were then diverted to aid the sector government in its war on their belligerent system neighbor.

As for Arvees, the planet's leadership professed no incentive to back Thuces and with the enforcement of the Church's Pavirup Jyotsna Peace Pact of 3109 were ensured they could immediately resume business as usual. The pact provided certain guarantees of passage, so long as they backed action against Thuces in word and deed as the Church saw fit. It also provided that Arvees would assume leadership of the Pavirup Jyotsna system after the war was ended.

Less than six months after the Pact was signed, in January 3110 came the Battle of Thuces. The reconstituted Pavirup Jyotsna System Fleet, led by the battleship ND Punishing Light swarmed the Thuces region, destroying everything in its path. There was nothing left unscathed in space, air, land and sea as the six-day battle unfolded. Untold millions of Thucians were killed. The capitol city, named after their Chancellor was razed and every last surviving member of the military and government across the planet was hunted down, captured and executed on the spot.

Once the planet was subdued, instruments of the Church unleashed the herbicidal agent known as Lick-Sting. The weapon spread rapidly, wiping out all photosynthetic life in a matter of days, completely collapsing the biosphere and forcing the survivors on Thuces into an absolutely desperate position, totally dependent on the sector government for their welfare, a situation that will, no doubt continue into the foreseeable future.

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