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The Ang Family of Selos 2

The Ang line can be traced back to the founding of Red Sector A. Zoria Ang was a science officer on the L’Faim. As one of the largest ships of the 1st Red Sector A exploratory fleet, L’Faim had the mission of exploring and documenting a large area of the “eastern” region, which included the Selos system. When colonization of Selos 2 began ten years later, Zoria Ang jumped at the chance to take part. She was initially made the Chief Planetary Botanist in 2343. Four years later she was appointed Executive Vice President of the Selos 2 Corporation. She retired from that post at the age of 64 and enjoyed an elite status for the rest of her life.

For a century the Ang family built a network that encompassed the planet, vying for power and eventually rising to share control along with 3 other influential families, the Hector clan, the Whence clan and the Chide clan. When war came in 2478, the Ang family led the charge. Admiral Shell Chide, son of Lent Chide, matriarch of the Chide clan and nephew of Rin Ang, matriarch of the Ang clan gave the order to destroy the Jelq Navy battle cruiser, Hampton’s Call, an action that lead directly to the war that followed.

Just a few years later, during the Battle of Four Winds, Rin Ang’s eldest daughter, also called Rin lead the offensive against the fleets of Jelq. It was the greatest military victory in Selosian history and garnered the younger Rin a lifetime of adulation, firmly positioning the Ang clan atop the Selos 2 power hierarchy for centuries to come.


The Jelq Navy battle cruiser, NND Hampton's Call

In 3177, Mariahn Ang, direct descendant of Zoria Ang commanded the Selosian forces as they pushed all remnants of the sector military off planet and began hit and run operations on the Church blockade. When the sector government dispatched a unified fleet of planetary militias and Sector military to reinforce the blockade, the Selosians struck back, engaging in guerrilla warfare on Selos 2 and across the Selosian system. This strategy, though effectively limited, managed to cause enough damage to keep the Sector forces off balance, leading to a six-year engagement the Selosians called the Gold Test War.

Armo Ang was born to Mariahn and Jerno Ang in 3156. After completing eight years of black ops training in 3182 at the age of 26, he saw action during the war, commanding his own unit of black ops agents as a junior officer, participating in more than a dozen battles during the last year of the war. Following the cessation of hostilities in 3187, he was made Commanding General of the Selosian Armed Forces. In 3193, he ascended to the role of patriarch of the Ang family when his father passed away.

In June 3199, Armo Ang and four of his closest advisers were captured by a Church black ops team in Polymen space. The group were split up and interrogated. Armo, who had been able to resist the techniques and torture to which the Church subjected him was sent to Red Colony prison in August 3199. On the first of January 3200, Armo Ang and a handful of other prisoners escaped. To this date, these escapees have not been recovered and are the first to have successfully escaped the prison called Hell.

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