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White Hand Complex

White Hand Complex was established as a minor outpost called Ford Mandate Outpost in 2510, coinciding with the ending of the first occupation of Selos 2. The final occupying units withdrew to the base on Hur X, setting up a monitoring station, keeping an eye on the Selosian's activities. During the next 150 years, little changed on the outpost. At its peak, less than 100 Mandate personnel were assigned to work there.


In the immediate aftermath of the Scream, Selos 2 rebelled a second time. During the war to suppress the new Selosian rebellion, the Ford Mandate Outpost played host to dozens of battalions and tens of thousands of military troops and support personnel. During this time, the nondescript outpost ballooned in size, with scores of new buildings constructed in just a few short months. It was during this time that the House of Mary ordered the renaming of the outpost. The White Hand Complex played a crucial role in the ultimate re-subjugation of the Selosians. 


For the next 500 years, The White Hand Complex remained continuously occupied and was slowly expanded to include an armor division and a large support battalion. In 3189 a major expansion was undertaken by then Pirani General of the Hur X Protectorate Ariannie Exo. By the end of the expansion project the base had expanded by over 4 times its size and included an artillery proving ground now used regularly by a hundred different arms manufacturers, dozens of luxurious officer's barracks buildings, several state of the art training and practice grounds, massive armories and munitions depots, new, up to date repair facilities and hundreds of square miles worth of heavy artillery and grav-tanks. Currently, about 25,000 Church clergy are stationed on the base. The base also contains the largest R&D laboratories in Church possession

The Sector Navy's Southeast Regional Command Base of Operations is located on the White Hand Complex, on the old outpost grounds, 3 to 4 square miles of land located on a tract in the far eastern portion of the complex, on the Sext Ocean. 

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