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System: Noon

Atmosphere: Breathable Mix

Temperature: Temperate

Biosphere: Human-miscible

Population: Billions

Tech Level: TL3

House of Mary Flag- Penance Sacrifice Re
O'Render and the Four Worlds Flag.png


Booker’s Colony, a Four Worlds member was one of the largest, earliest colonies in the sector. A planet of immense abundance, this commodity wealthy world, under normal circumstances could have been one of the handful of worlds setting standards and controlling the sector. For its inhabitants, though, circumstances are anything but normal.

Chelli Booker, a high-level official of the House of Mary Church was a leading proponent of the Constraints of Forgiveness, the founding doctrine of the Church. The Constraints can certainly be interpreted in a myriad of ways, and indeed, throughout the centuries have been, however Booker sought to build an entire ground up culture on the tenets of the doctrine. Her colony, centered around a rigid social caste and bursting with duties and responsibilities for every member soon became the fastest growing colony in the sector.

Over the centuries, much of Booker’s Colony has been altered, some would say twisted into an almost sadistic version of Chelli Booker’s utopian vision. While the machinations that underlie the culture, production, manufacturing and trade remain intact and functioning, the organization of castes, the relationships and quality of life for many of its citizens have degenerated into an almost unrecognizable form.

Personal relationships, living arrangements, clothing, transportation, work, hobbies, everything that a person needs to do or wants to do is controlled by the state and pointlessly encumbered by rules and regulations, all of which are strictly, sometimes violently enforced. Non-conformance is punishable by torture and even death. Strange, apparently unnecessary regulations are required to accomplish the simplest tasks. Large portions of the average citizen’s day are taken over by often masochistic ritual. Talk of rebellion is quashed by the disappearance of those involved.

Though the Colony maintains a thriving economy, this world’s four billion inhabitants are cloistered, kept separated from the rest of the sector. Travel to and from Booker’s Colony is highly restricted. Tourism is nonexistent and emigration is almost impossible. Requirements for travel off world are cost prohibitive and overloaded with ridiculous requirements. Those born in the Colony, remain in the Colony, for the good of the Colony.

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