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The Four Worlds is a powerful political bloc consisting of Nomi IV, Booker’s Colony, Midland and Cornucopia, under the protection of O'Render

In 2908, Midland and Cornucopia signed a pact joining their bureaucratic and economic engines, instantly becoming the largest source of food and other botanicals in the sector. 

In 2965, Booker's Colony approached the Midland-Cornucopia power bloc with an offer to supply a large quantity of high value resources, including raw materials, transportation and technical expertise. The bloc leadership balked at the offer and Booker's Colony did not appreciate it.


The following month they attacked the tiny bloc guard fleet at Midland with their own fleet of over thirty ships. This fleet was made up of a cobbled together group of transports, surveillance ships and confiscated private yachts, all retrofitted with various weapons. They engaged and destroyed the few ships of the power bloc and beat a hasty retreat.

Within a matter of days, the Midland-Cornucopia power bloc leadership sent word of their acceptance of the Booker's Colony offer and they entered the power bloc as a full member. 

In 2980 the bloc approached the government of Nomi IV with an offer to initiate a treaty to utilize their abundant radioactive materials in various capacities, including producing a stronger naval fleet. They agreed and the pact allowed the four worlds to build a thriving economy between them. In 2998, Nomi IV was brought into the power bloc as a full, equal member.

In 3036, the sector government enacted a 75% tax on all goods exported from the four worlds of the power bloc. They also forbade travel into any of the four systems without a special, extremely expensive and difficult to obtain licence provided by the sector government. Within the year, the economies of the four worlds collapsed. For the next seven decades the sector government kept these worlds under their boot heel, never intending to let up.

In 3104, the leaders of the four worlds approached the plutocracy of O'Render with an offer of a one third share of control and profits if they would back their move to reinstate the power bloc and advocate for the repeal of the tax. Led Feron, Premier of the O’Render Welt Sozialistisch Einheitlich government proposed to the Sector Court that a stipulation be written into the tax law that O'Render be made exempt. They agreed, after accepting a hefty payment for themselves and the Pact of the Four Worlds was reborn with the government of O'Render fully in control.

Since that time the pact has enriched the original four worlds and has increased revenue for O'Render as well as ballooning the traffic between all involved. The Four Worlds is the largest single power bloc in the sector and has surpassed the Polymen system as the strongest economic entity aside from Jelq. 

The Four Worlds 

O'Render and the Four Worlds Flag.png
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