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System: Nache

Atmosphere: Breathable Mix

Temperature: Temperate

Biosphere: Human-miscible

Population: Hundreds of millions

Tech Level: TL3



Cornucopia, a planet of four hundred million inhabitants is a member of the Four Worlds political power bloc. It's also a world of contrasting vistas, with a surface covered in farmland, supporting a huge industry of tobacco, cannabis and other medicinal and recreational vegetation. Where there are cities, and there are few of them, they are massive, sprawling monstrosities, harboring a myriad of workers, scientists and criminals, all focused on the production and use of recreational drugs, most of which are illegal throughout Red Sector A.

Robots do the work outside these cities, tending fields, planting, protecting, nurturing and harvesting Cornucopia’s cash crops. Freshly harvested raw materials are transported using automated vehicles, processed in automated facilities, and packaged and shipped autonomously. Tens of thousands of square miles of farmland are controlled by a handful of tech personnel, employed by wealthy landowners who control the entire planet. Every other human being on the planet lives and works within the confines of the handful of hot, dirty cities.

The work carried out within these cities is the type of work human hands can do cheaper and human minds are required for. Large numbers of Cornucopians are utilized for cheap labor, manning manufacturing and repair facilities necessary to keep the immense farmland operational. Others work in labs, endeavoring to develop the next wonder drug, though more often creating harmful or even lethal cocktails of substances, which their parent corporations are eager to distribute as the next recreational drug.

Criminal elements are rampant within the city. 7 Group, chief among them is the most prevalent here. Other, smaller organizations, as well as individual street gangs and thugs wreak havoc down in the dark recesses of the city. Infighting is the major factor in most murders and innocents are often caught in the crossfire of gang related shootouts. The local police departments are generally unconcerned with this sort of street level crime. They maintain “no-go” zones in the worst of these neighborhoods and any citizen daring to venture into one of these terrifying locales takes their life in their own hands.

O'Render and the Four Worlds Flag.png
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