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The Sunbeam owned Mu Shipyard, prior to the attack by the Jelq Naval destroyer the NND County Claire

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System: O'Render

Atmosphere: Breathable-mix

Temperature: Temperate

Biosphere: Human-miscible

Population: Hundreds of millions

Tech Level: TL4+


O’Render was colonized in 2335, the original luxury world of Red Sector A. A handful of glittering, opulent cities financed by the mega-corporations of the day were built and populated by employees of whatever company brought them there. Over the years descendants of the workforce struggled to gain an identity apart from the ubiquitous corporate logos and slogans dominating every aspect of their lives.

During the Silence, remnants of businesses responsible for building O’Render, those that weren’t swallowed up or crumbled under their own bloated weight turned themselves into the corporate entities we are familiar with today.

The government of O’Render, a system fashioned after the sector government, with a Chief Justice and Court of their own moved to regulate these businesses. Years of out of control exploitation of the work force was put in check by well-meaning agents of a bureaucratic machine that eventually began developing its own taste for power. These opposing forces, struggling to outmaneuver each other, rolling over the people in the process, ultimately prompted a restructuring, fashioning a governmental business model unique among the worlds of the sector.

O’Render’s current government, an openly plutocratic system, began with a labor dispute in April 2882. For over a year a work stoppage crippled the Steely Company, a major processor of raw materials and top supplier of the Sunbeam Shipyards located in orbit above the planet. It came to a head when the O'Render Navy was called in to end the strike.


Through a seemingly unlikely series of events, the Navy ended up attacking and destroying an orbital work site, killing over three thousand striking employees of the Steely Company. A subsequent investigation, white washed by the government led to planet wide strikes in support of reforms demanded on behalf of the workers. After six months of escalating hostilities the capital city of Vetalmo was seized by a well-organized resistance group made up of labor organizers, backed by an estimated fifteen to twenty million striking workers from across the globe, marching in the streets, demanding reform.

The First Congress of Corporations and Labor was held in November of that same year. A new guiding document, the Corporate Rules and Responsibilities Act of 2882 came out of this first congress. A second congress, held in April of the following year, marking the one-year anniversary of the Steely Massacre saw the ratification of the CRR as the founding document of the new government comprised of the Corporate House, the Labor House and the House of Administration, as well as a restructured Supreme Court with Justices chosen directly by the citizens of O’Render. This system has existed since that time, making it, after Jelq the second oldest planetary government in the sector.

Since the formation of the corporate sponsored government, and after joining economic forces with the Four Worlds Economic Bloc less than a century ago, O’Render has blossomed into the sector’s wealthiest, most luxurious and decadent world, the center of business as well as crime.


Citizens of this world live in a culture segmented by status, each layer responsible for a means of production. The heavy lifters and service employees, the unskilled working class comprise the lowest level of society. These people, like every other level of the culture are born into their status and have little hope of attaining anything more. Up from the bottom is skilled labor, tasked with building the world and the goods produced, then pencil pushers and managers, doing the business of business, followed by the executive level, who run the corporations that feed the wealth-making machine. At the top reside the owners, patrician inheritors who do little more than benefit from the labor of the masses supporting them.

Underneath it all, with tendrils wrapped around every aspect of private and commercial enterprise on the planet lurks The 7 Group, an amalgam of the seven major syndicates that controlled O’Render’s crime world before the Congress of Corporations and Labor.


Six years after ratification of the CRR, The 7 Group combined their power under a single leader in an effort to thwart the streamlined and more focused bureaus and agencies coming after their syndicates.

O'Render, on its surface is a world of contrasting forces, entangled in a constant struggle of apparently opposing objectives. A closer, street level look at the society on this bustling planet belies this view, revealing a distinct, overarching goal; an ever forward march towards the bottom line.

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