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System: Phioge

Atmosphere: Breathable mix

Temperature: Temperate

Biosphere: Human-miscible

Population: Hundreds of millions

Tech Level: TL3


Midland is the only inhabitable planet in the Phioge system. A member of the Four Worlds political bloc, Midland was founded very early on in the development of the sector. It has a long and turbulent history. From the beginning, its inhabitants struggled against the oppression of the powers that aimed to keep them under control. A half dozen major naval battles were fought in Midland space in those early days, but over time, the struggle, of any overt sort at least subsided.

Midland is a planet with a mild, virtually tame climate. Storms are rare and those that do occur are short lived and relatively weak. Rich in natural resources, more than ¾ of Midland’s surface is covered in water and staple crops like rice, corn, wheat and potatoes are grown in massive quantities across most of the land mass of the planet.

A large percentage of the half billion inhabitants of Midland work in the biotech industry, either directly or indirectly connected to the production of food. These food stuffs, harvested year around are exported to O’Render and the other Four Worlds planets in exchange for the myriad of wealth and resources they have to offer. This economic machine enables most Midland natives to want for nothing and live in absolute comfort.

A significant number of House of Mary Church clergy are born on Midland and many of these rise in rank to occupy positions of authority throughout the sector. The Church maintains a large presence on Midland in the form of one of the sector’s foremost theological universities, located in the largest city on Midland. The Universal Seminary of Eternal Penance at Inthexia graduates well over a thousand newly ordained clergy every year. To be accepted as a student at this acclaimed university is an honor of the highest level and a degree from U.S.E.P. at Inthexia is a virtual guaranteed winning ticket.

House of Mary Flag- Penance Sacrifice Re
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The Shining Light Cathedral at the Unive

The Shining Light Cathedral at the Universal Seminary of Eternal Penance at Inthexia - Midland

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