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System: Teris

Atmosphere: Inert Gas

Temperature: Temperate

Biosphere: No native biosphere

Population: Fewer than a million

Tech Level: TL4

Description: Hur X was colonized during the second wave of galactic exploration. Eugenicists intent on improving the human genome, isolated themselves on this lifeless rock in the Teris system. In the early years after the Scream, the Jelq military came calling, demanding a battalion to swell the ranks of the Sector Military. They flatly refused and were subsequently decimated by accelerated mass bombardment launched from orbital platforms. Those few remaining inhabitants of Hur X, now under the boot of oppression, reformed their government and swore to provide the troops required.

Now, the society of Hur X is controlled by a tyrannical aristocracy, headed by His Most Exalted Emperor Toqta of the Golden Eyed Hawk. Toqta, and by extension the aristocracy holds absolute power over the citizenry. The Sector government does not encourage tourism to the Teris system (though it does not discourage it either) but it is a large part of the local economy. Off world visitors are allowed free travel to virtually every area of the planet, while at the same time citizens are held in check by rule of law, genetic manipulation and technological means.

Science on Hur X has reached a level of perfection in eugenics beyond that of any other sector world. Over the past two hundred years, they’ve successfully bred out many of the factors associated with weakness in their culture, including the psychological aspects of fear, doubt and the questioning of authority, as well as physical traits such as obesity, lethargy, a need for sleep and the reception of pain. This does, indeed, make for a superior soldier and the local government maintains a rather impressive planetary police force, however, long before the Scream the Church declared such genetic tampering forbidden and while not refusing the inhabitants of Hur X their own self-determination does not allow these sorts of gengeneered individuals to serve in any capacity.


Hur X would likely be a backwater, unremarkable world but for its strategic location. The Church maintains a massive base of operations on Hur X focused on its ongoing effort to subjugate the rebellious Selos 2, which happens to be a very short drill away. The base, called The White Hand Complex is a sprawling station of barracks, training and practice grounds, armories, munitions depots, repair facilities and miles of heavy artillery and grav-tanks. Something in the neighborhood of 25,000 Church clergy are stationed on the base. 

The Sector Navy Southeast Regional Command Base of Operations is also located on Hur X. The Command maintains a separate office block in the planet capital of Toqta of the Golden Eyed Hawk as well as a field headquarters on The White Hand Complex. The Southeast Regional Navy commander, Fleet Marshall Vote San Sillarmaine berths her flagship, the Atarak Class Carrier ND She Wants For Nothing at the Hur X System Sector Naval Yards, in orbit around the large moon of Hida.

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