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The Dow Saffer

The Dow Saffer, born Errisan Gollum was the only child of Ellani Gollum and Vikramaditya Parekh Ag, on Jelq in February 3076.

Ellani Gollum was a daughter of Donderon Gollum, one of the most decorated and celebrated clergy of the modern era. Donderon was a member of The Dow Oremian’s Onmyou from 3122 until 3143, retiring on the day her granddaughter was elevated as The Dow Saffer. Ellani and her twin sister Enderan both attained high levels within the Church, each forging a reputation as intelligent and dedicated clergy as well as ruthless House Guard commanders.

Errisan’s father, Vikramaditya Parekh Ag, a high-ranking House Guard member, originated the Parekh Ag Recombinant Solution, which utilizes drill drive technology to establish an impenetrable barrier, repelling enemy ships during space combat.

Errisan Gollum attended The Universal Seminary of Eternal Penance at Inthexia on Midland from 3092 until 3098, at which time she was accepted into The Light Seminary College, located in Phorus on Jelq. The Light Seminary, the most exclusive college in the sector, in those days accepted no

Errisan Gollum a few years prior to her

Errisan Gollum - 3139

more than 5 new students every half year semester. Graduates of the Seminary, always of the most elite cultural status are most often placed on the fast track for upper levels of leadership within the Church.

Less than 6 months after graduation, in 3101, Errisan accepted the position of North Sector Protectorate Universal Chaplain, the head of the Protectorate’s Chaplain Corps. For almost twenty years she guided and advised six different North Sector Doyen Generals. In 3109, she was the lead negotiator in the establishment of the Pavirup Jyotsna Peace Pact and in 3110, was aboard the ND Punishing Light during the decisive Battle of Thuces during the Pavirup Jyotsna Rebellion.

In 3120, Errisan was placed into the role of Onmyou Inspector General. There, she made a name for herself as a fierce investigator for the betterment of the Church. In 3130, she brought evidence of misconduct against 16 members of the Galywang Drukpa. She presented surveillance records going back more than four years showing numerous meetings between various members of this group of 16 in which were discussed the suitability of members of the Galywang Drukpa as well as the Onmyou. On several occasions, the Dow Oremian herself was a topic of subversive conversation. After more than a year of consideration, the Onmyou summarily dismissed and exommunicated a total of 34 members of the Galywang Drukpa, including 6 senior members. The following year, Errisan was raised to the Galywang Drukpa during the replacement hearings. 


For the next 12 years, Errisan Gollum consolidated power through networking and political and religious favors. She quickly rose to chair several committees and enjoyed the goodwill of the Onmyou, successfully pressing members of the Galywang Drukpa to support whatever pet project the Onmyou brought to her attention. It was during this period in her missionary work that she cultivated the support of those power players who would eventually be responsible for her nomination and subsequent elevation as The Dow Saffer in 3144.

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