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Kesturn Government Flag.jpg


System: Hani

Atmosphere: Breathable Mix

Temperature: Variable                                       Temperate-to-Warm

Biosphere: Biosphere remnants

Population: Several million

Tech Level: TL3


Kesturn is a world stripped of most of its natural habitat. Dust storms crisscross the planet, scouring everything in their path. Massive mining machines, towering a half mile or more into the hazy sky, drill and lay bare the bedrock, exposing long dormant volcanic activity. In places where strip mining has gone unchecked for decades, lava flows freely, covering tens of thousands of square miles, burning away everything in its path, evaporating surface water, leaving a new surface to be mined all over again.

The majority of the mining done on Kesturn is controlled by the Church through its stake in the Utopia Corporation. Several mining companies, all with a presence on Kesturn are held by the conglomerate. Many of the Utopia controlled mines occupy  hundreds of square miles with settlements scattered about the wasted terrain, providing little shelter from the harsh environs.


To survive, native Kesturnites are forced to process precious metals, which are sold through the Church and a few other corporations to support the local government. This government, a cabal of greed and sin, keeps its citizens mired in poverty. Almost all off world visitors are barred from Kesturn, and the government certainly does not allow its citizens to leave their hard and cruel life.


Monumental amounts of gold and platinum, iron ore and heavy metals taken from the ground has bought the ignorance of authorities throughout the sector. Kesturn is truly a Hellish world and its people a forgotten and hopeless lot.

Gudrunn   Midland   Itako   Kesturn   Rubieta 

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