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Description: Itako is an orderly world, populated by the descendants of a generational colony ship sent directly from long vanished Earth. This ship, a massive construct, crewed by thousands of scientists began its journey before the jump gates, drilling through a system at a time, slowly progressing over a few hundred years to finally arrive in Red Sector A long after it had been established.

The Tris system held a single, Venus like planet with a strange, alien ecosystem unsuited for human habitation. The new colony, with its antiquated technology, began a terraforming program, driving the odd, poisonous vegetation and hostile insect life back, opening large swaths of territory for their own, Earth native ecosystem to take root. In less than 200 years, Itako was openly livable. The Itakoans could walk freely, with nothing more than a simple rebreather and sun screen. A hundred years later, Itako could easily be mistaken for Earth should a native (had there been any alive) come to visit.

The culture is science dominant and strictly communal. All citizens are trained in the sciences and are expected to go into their parent’s line of work, regardless of aptitude or desire. They live in massive apartment blocks, designed to be entirely self-sustaining, which house communities in the same general line of work. The apartment blocks are clustered into groups that work together and these clusters dot the entire surface of Itako.

Over three hundred years ago, the central government of Itako announced that once a decade a lottery for citizens aged 16 to 25 would be held to choose draftees for the Sector Military. The process was begun to keep the sector government out of their business and allow Itako to remain a free and independent world. This agreement has been upheld by every new regime on Itako as well as each new sector governing Court Chief Justice over the intervening centuries. Those who draw an unlucky number are whisked away and never seen, nor heard from again.

Itako has no official contacts, other than the lottery with any outside world. Trade is virtually nonexistent and travel to and from Itako is forbidden by the central government. There is a single orbital station in Itako space and any ship discovered in the area will be sternly warned to stay away. There are rumors of ships being “disappeared” when getting too close to Itako and most sector citizens stay clear of this reclusive world.

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System: Tris

Atmosphere: Breathable Mix

Temperature: Temperate

Biosphere: Hybrid

Population: Less than a million

Tech Level: TL4

Gudrunn   Midland   Itako   Kesturn   Rubieta 

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