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System: Eserriedus 

Atmosphere: Corrosive

Temperature: Burning

Biosphere: No native biosphere

Tech Level: TL0

Description: A formerly robust world, Rubieta was wiped out 10 years ago when asteroid GGC-1224, mysteriously crashed into its surface causing planet wide mass extinction. The cause of this cataclysm has not been forthcoming as GGC-1224 was not due to hit the surface for more than ten thousand years.

Before this devastating event, Rubieta was a thriving, TL4 world with a population numbering in the tens of millions. It was a prime pilgrimage site, having one of the most famous shrines in the sector located on its main continent. The mythic Prophesy Stone and several other elevated relics of the House of Mary Church were contained in the glorious shrine called the Eternal Light of Penance.

Survivors of the cataclysm include those who were off planet at the time, those who managed to flee the planet within the few hours prior to the event and the very few who were able to escape the devastation over the next few weeks. The number of native Rubietans in the sector is difficult to pin down and has been estimated between a few tens of thousands to upwards of a million. Several attempts have been made by charitable organizations to get an accurate count, all of which have failed.

Rumors of roaming bands of survivors on the scoured and scorched surface abound. A few images and videos have been released, purporting to show armed scavengers engaged in gun battles on the ruined planet. The sector government has released no official statement regarding these rumors and has cut off all travel to the planet.

Gudrunn   Midland   Itako   Kesturn   Rubieta 

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